AIX Health Check - with nmon

-- opening --
Lama gak ngeblog susah juga nyari kalimat enaknya. the point is how to collect data from aix. And tool used for this is "nmon".

basicly we need nmon of course, AIX, and anything that make you comfort :P

ok lets started, make script with this following command
# ^_^
/usr/bin/nmon -s 300 -c 288 -fdTPAN -m /nmon_data
find /nmon_data -mtime +90 -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
and save it ( ex : )
first preparation done, now make it work. Make directory /nmon_data, give it  "x" permission, done ?
the last add to crontab. ex every night
00 00 * * * sh  /mnt/ > /dev/null 2>&1 
done step one.

-- report--
 download nmon analyzer from here and follow the intruction how to read it :P

-- check $ jajal --

monggo di coba sendiri - sendiri :D

* do with your own risk

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